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Spring Has Sprung & So Has green LIFE NJ

Vanessa M. Arico

The first issue of green LIFE is here and we are so excited to share it with you!

From Monmouth County’s Boxwood Drive and Highfield Lane to New England, the Canary Islands, the Caribbean, NYC, Beverly Hills and back, being green has always been important to me.

Eating correctly is key and walking and biking have been mainstays – although in this last decade they have become my primary coastal way of life. The new BMW i3 electric car may change that as this business grows and I cover more territory, and reducing the carbon footprint is the value decision in practical conscience. The world is turning green!

Green life today includes important words like organic, cold-press, biodynamics, composting, sustainability, farm-to-table, vegan, and even hemp. Real estate and construction now include green products and newly skilled professionals. The environment, energy, fashion, art, food and drink are all getting in the act.

Other states and countries have more consistent weather and can more easily control runaway utilities, but with our diverse topography and important coastline, much is possible and much is ahead. We are the Garden State after all, why not lead the way?

green LIFE NJ will be featuring many contemporary green issues, people, places, play stations and professionals every Spring and Fall.

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